
Put Your Best Face Forward

Viora’s advanced, non-invasive products include the most advanced devices incorporating Laser, IPL and proprietary RF technologies that provides all-in-one, innovative solutions to revitalize, refresh, and renew! The Viora technology is cutting edge and top of the industry, with over ten thousand satisfied customers.

Our IPL Services offer the solution to the most requested aesthetic procedures, such as vascular lesions, hair reduction, acne and scar clearance, skin tightening, body contouring, IPL photofacial treatments and more. Our professionals teamed up with this technology delivers safe, effective results quickly with little to no downtime.

Turn Back Time With The Power Of Light

IPL Photofacial

Intense pulsed light (IPL) facial
Our V-IPL photofacial treatment uses pulses of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to reverse signs of aging by altering your skin at the cellular level. This treatment has been FDA approved since the 1990’s to zap away imperfections. It is also considered one of the most effective non-invasive rejuvenating treatments for aging skin. One key advantage is the ability of IPL to even out skin tone, resulting in a more radiant and uniform complexion. The treatment stimulates collagen production, promoting skin firmness and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin Tightening

Sagging skin to Smooth and tight skin!

Our Skin tightening treatments may be the perfect answer to restore, tighten and tone sagging skin. Defying gravity, we bring the most effective solution for treating sagging skin and local facial and neck fat. Lifting your face, Viora’s technology works to thin and tighten your facial skin for the most natural looking results.

Suitable for all skin types and with no anesthesia required this procedure shrinks fat cell volume which enhances blood circulation restoring elasticity, creating a tighter and smoother appearance. It’s so easy, you can have your procedure during your lunch break! It’s pain-free, with noticeable results with even one treatment!

Body Contouring

Body re-shaping without surgery or pain!

Using multi-RF channels and vacuum suction from Viora’s technologies, this process helps to reduce fat volume by treating the fat layer effectively and safely. This treatment provides consistent results, primarily fonv r the facial contouring and body circumferential reduction with long lasting effect.

The RF energy heats the hypodermal layers to enhance blood microcirculation that in turn encourages the enzymatic activity, leading to fat natural hydrolysis, resulting in fat volume reduction. Heat, among other processes, aid in the release of stored fat in the cells. The heating effect in the dermal layers lead to connective tissue remodeling which tighten the skin and helps to keep the results for much longer.

Skin Rejuvenation

Bring back the Glow!

Viora Skin Rejuvenation treatments provide a non-invasive anti-aging treatments that illuminates younger looking skin leaving you glowing!
Rejuvinate your life with our skin rejuvination services that deliver the most effective, easy solution! These treatments are effective as monotherapy or as combination treatment, depending on individual skin characteristics and needs. Suitable for all skin types and with no anesthesia required, Viora’s PCR™ and SVC™ Technologies provide anti-aging procedures that induce cell renewal of the dermal and epidermal skin layers to prompt the body to shed the dull, aged appearance.

Significant results include improved overall appearance and quality of the tissue. By stimulating the body to create new skin cells, this process will regain your youth, improving appearance and confidence!

Laser Acne Treatments

Our acne clearance treatments deliver through the use of multiple devices and more effective combination protocols. Viora’s IPL and Laser light therapy kills acne bacteria and decreases inflammation.  Laser acne treatments offer several benefits in addressing persistent acne concerns. One notable advantage is the precision of laser therapy in targeting specific areas affected by acne lesions, allowing for a targeted and focused approach. These treatments can also penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, promoting collagen production and aiding in the reduction of acne scars and blemishes. Additionally, laser treatments can help regulate sebum (oil) production, a key factor in acne development, contributing to long-term control of breakouts.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal offers several advantages as a popular cosmetic procedure. Notably, its precision is a key benefit, as the laser targets dark, coarse hair while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. The procedure is also remarkably swift, with each laser pulse able to treat multiple hairs simultaneously. The speed of treatment varies, but even larger areas like the legs or back can be addressed within an hour. One of the most significant benefits is the potential for long-lasting results, often resulting in permanent hair reduction after a series of sessions. Predictable outcomes are another advantage, as damaged hair follicles are less likely to produce regrowth. Laser hair removal also contributes to reduced ingrown hairs, offering relief from a common issue associated with shaving or waxing. Over time, it proves to be a convenient and potentially cost-effective alternative to traditional hair removal methods.

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…Because you deserve to feel beautiful!